-Human Launcher by Michael Gargiulo- CtmikeG@aol.com CtmikeG@concentric.net Atreides (in Quakeland) This is a simple modification of weapons.qc that causes the -grenade launcher to shoot full sized clones of you! (yeah I'm sick) :)~ -The bodies come tumbling out like rag dolls. -I added "Appropriate" sound effects....I got a laugh out of it. -The damage radius of the "human chunks" is higher than the grenade. This file also changes a few other things: -super shotgun has twice the knockdown power. -rocket launcher shoots controllable lightning gun. (from Sto@pi.net)I like that one -axe has about 3 times the power (gibs most smaller enemies with one chop) To use this file: 1.make a sub-directory of Quake- ex. c:\quake\hlaunch 2.put the progs.dat in the new directory 3. run- quake.exe -game hlaunch